GamesVoyager Games Voyager

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  1. Backyard Baseball (1997)

    Developer: Humongous Entertainment | Site: GamesVoyager | Type: full game

  2. R.B.I. Baseball 2 (1991)

    Developer: Tengen | System: DOS | Site: GamesNostalgia | Type: fullgame

  3. Earl Weaver Baseball (1987)

    Developer: Mirage Graphics | System: Amiga | Site: GamesNostalgia | Type: fullgame

  4. BASEBALL STARS 2 (1992)

    Developer: SNK CORPORATION | Site: GOG | Type: Full Game | Price: $0.89
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  5. Super Baseball 2020 (1993)

    Developer: SNK | System: Genesis | Site: GamesNostalgia | Type: fullgame